How are Indigenous Guardians connecting across Canada?

You are not alone. As communities across Canada build and strengthen Indigenous Guardian programs it is critical that people connect with each other. Connections can lead to people reaching out and asking questions, sharing their experiences, getting support as they build their programs, or coming together to learn from each other.

Here are some ways to connect and share:


Worksheet: Hosting or Going on a Community Exchange

Going on or hosting an exchange is a great way to get inspired, share knowledge and learn about another community’s Indigenous Guardian Program. Regardless of your goal, this worksheet can help you plan and prepare for a community exchange.


Worksheet: Hosting or Going on a Community Exchange


Tips for Indigenous Guardian Community Exchanges

Going on or hosting a community exchange is a great way to get inspired and share knowledge about Indigenous Guardian Programs. Below are some tips to support you as you prepare for a community exchange.

  1. Set up 3-4 virtual planning meetings in advance of the exchange to help ensure everyone has the same information and goals in mind.
  2. Allow time for both communities to share what they’re interested in learning from each other. This can help members decide on activities and create an agenda for the exchange.
  3. Together with your exchange partner, develop an exchange budget and discuss what each community is responsible for.
  4. Planning an exchange takes time and effort. Be mindful that both visiting and hosting communities have enough lead time to plan the exchange and get their crews ready.
  5. Involve members from the host and visiting community in drafting a proposal that clearly identifies and describes the goals and desired outcomes of the exchange.
  6. Expect the unexpected and be flexible. Crews may need to change their schedule, activities may change, other things may come up. Stay adaptable and go with the flow!
  7. Schedule time after the exchange to debrief with your crew and broader team. Share highlights of your trip, what you learned or were inspired by, and how to integrate these learnings into your program.

Tips for Indigenous Guardian Community Exchanges


Hosting a Community Exchange

Hosting a community exchange can be a fulfilling and enriching experience. Below are some tips to support you as you prepare to host a community exchange:

  1. Consider hosting visitors at a time of year when you can be out on the land, water, and/or ice. Your visitors will likely be very excited to spend time out on your territory.
  2. If you need support hosting your visitors, reach out as soon as you can to the people in your community who can support with accommodation, transportation, and food.
  3. Make sure your crew has enough time budgeted to participate in and lead activities for your visitors. Avoid hosting when your crew is in their busiest season.
  4. Help your visitors prepare for their time in your community. Create and share a packing list so they can come to the exchange prepared.
  5. Help your visitors understand what they can expect or may experience during the visit. For example, if you are on a body of water, provide tips for being on a boat (including wearing PFDs, dealing with seasickness, etc.).
  6. Consider what information to share with your visitors beforehand so they can learn more about your program, community and territory before they arrive. This may include any relevant information about your community or Nation’s protocols.
  7. Think about who else in the community (besides people involved with your Guardian Program) could be interested in sharing with, and learning from, your visitors. Perhaps there are leaders, Elders, youth, knowledge holders, or other people who could be involved in the exchange.
  8. Consider scheduling down time and fun activities with your crew during the exchange. Sometimes the best conversations happen over meals, a fire or time spent relaxing.

Hosting a Community Exchange


Being a Visitor on a Community Exchange    

Being a visitor on community exchange is a privilege and a great opportunity to learn about another Guardian Program. Below are some tips to support you as you prepare to go on exchange.

  1. Spend time with your crew preparing for your exchange. Learn as much as you can about the community and territory you are going to visit. Ask the host community if there are resources or documents you could review ahead of time.
  2. Make sure you come prepared. Communicate with your crew about what gear, clothes, and other materials they need to bring to be comfortable during the exchange. 
  3. Before you go on exchange, have your crew come up with questions and topics they’re interested in learning about.
  4. The best exchanges are when both communities learn from each other. Think about your own strengths as a program and how you could share what your program is doing with your host community.
  5. Consider building in time during the exchange for your own crew to focus on team building and fun. Participating in a community exchange can be a good chance for your crew to bond and develop skills.
  6. Show your appreciation to your host community. In addition to covering your part of the exchange budget, consider bringing gifts and other things to share. Traditional foods, program swag, or other items can be a great way to thank your host community.  



Being a Visitor on a Community Exchange