What are some ways to engage with resource agencies?

Relationships with resource agencies (and resource agency staff) may need to grow organically or incrementally. These relationships are often built over time and rely on good faith efforts by resource agency and Indigenous Guardian staff. Based on experiences of various Indigenous Guardian programs, here are some strategies and ideas for engaging with resource agencies:

    Info sheet

    Some Approaches to Building Relationships with Resource Agencies


    Some approaches that communities have used to build productive working relationships between Indigenous Guardian programs and resource agencies include:

    • Host a meeting at the beginning of each season with on-the-ground staff from all the resource agencies working in your territory. Find out what each other’s priorities are, where work activities overlap and how to communicate effectively throughout the season.
    • Organize regular meetings with specific resource agencies to exchange and share information about planned activities throughout the season.
    • Educate and regularly update resource agency staff about your Indigenous Guardian program and stewardship priorities and activities.
    • Plan with resource agency staff to get out in the field with your guardians to  create opportunities for shared learning, hands-on doing, and relationship building.
    • When possible, conduct joint patrols with resource agency compliance and enforcement staff to build relationships, share knowledge, coordinate efforts, and learn from each other.
    • Develop procedures with resource agency staff  about best ways to report and follow up on compliance infractions that are observed and reported by your guardians.
    • Where appropriate, have guardians participate in resource agency-led research and other resource management projects to build skills and experience.
    • Where appropriate, invite resource agency staff to participate in your guardian and stewardship activities to build their skills and experience.
    • Explore opportunities for guardians to participate in technical and professional training that is offered to resource agency staff.
    • Find ways to share data, observations, and other information both formally and informally.
    Info sheet

    Some Approaches to Building Relationships with Resource Agencies


    Uncovering Opportunities for Guardians to Work with the Province on Marine Use Plans