
Educating Resource Users About Indigenous Laws

In some places, guardians are playing a role in ensuring that Indigenous laws related to lands and resources are understood and followed by visitors to their territory. Having pamphlets and information on Indigenous laws that guardians can hand out and share with visitors can be very helpful.  

Gaining Momentum - A National Network for Indigenous Guardians

The Indigenous Leadership Initiative (ILI) is promoting a federally funded, Indigenous-led National Indigenous Guardians Network in Canada. This network would support the development and employment of guardians across the country. It has generated broad support, including from the Assembly of First Nations which passed a resolution in 2015 calling for a national guardians program.

Growing As Needs Grow: Coastal Stewardship Network

The Coastal Stewardship Network (originally called the Coastal Guardian Watchmen Network) was created in 2005. It was established when Guardian Watchmen on BC’s North and Central Coasts came together to think about how to develop and expand the role of local Guardian Watchmen programs.

Collaboration: The Key to Community Based Research

“True community-engaged research occurs when members of communities and research-based institutions collaborate throughout the research process towards shared outcomes,” writes Megan Adams and her co-authors in a recent contribution to the “Toolbox of Research Principles in an Aboriginal Context: ethics, respect, fairness, reciprocity, collaboration and culture.”